Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para handing over en español


hand over verb

unfavorite favorite
entregar, dar, transferir; (figurado) entregar, ceder

Ejemplos de uso de
hand over verb

  • The police officer ordered the suspect to hand over his gun.
  • In response to a desperate plea, we handed over all our extra blankets and pillows to the homeless shelter.

Sinónimos de
hand over verb

Sinónimos detallados para hand over verb

Ver: Give

hand verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
handed, has handed, is handing, hands
pasar, dar, entregar

Ejemplos de uso de
hand verb

  • The girl was happy to hand her grandmother's cookie recipes to the parish ladies to put in their cookbook.
  • The clerk handed her the receipt.

Traducción inversa para handing over

entregar  - to deliver, to give, to present, to hand in, to hand over 
dar  - to give, to suffice, to be enough, to deliver, to hand over, to hit, to strike, to yield, to produce, to perform, to give off, to emit 
transferir  - to transfer 
entregar  (figurado)
ceder  - to cede, to hand over, to yield, to give way, to diminish, to abate, to give in, to relent, to cave in, to back down 
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